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Vibrant wants to help you Live a Better Story. Our stories are made up of many things… relationship with God, finances, parenting, friendship, marriage, dating, loss, faith and so much more.  We offer tested practical wisdom from the Bible for each area of your life.  Click below to watch our messages found on our YouTube Channel.

Vibrant App

Our app is the best way to stay informed and get resources to take your next step to “Live a Better Story.”


Growth is not automatic, it requires intentionality. Courses are design to help you intentionally grow in every season of life. We have courses that focus on new believers, marriage, finances and finding freedom. Each course runs on a season schedule three times per year. Check out our courses today and begin growing in your season of life.

Financial Course

The Financial Course is a nine week course through Financial Peace University. In this class you will learn how to pay off debt, budget, save money, and give generously. So sign up and start finding the financial freedom you have always dreamed of.

  • Semester One 2020: January 16, 2020
  • Semester Two 2020: May 14, 2020
  • Semester Three 2020: September 17, 2020
  • Session One: Emergency Fund & Budgeting
  • Session Two: Paying Off Debt
  • Session Three: Saving Money
  • Session Four: Retirement, College Fund, Building Wealth
  • Session Five: Buyer Beware
  • Session Six: The Role of Insurance
  • Session Seven: Retirement Planning
  • Session Eight: Real Estate & Mortgages
  • Session Nine: The Great Misunderstanding

Bible Studies

We want to help you take your Next Steps. Click on the link below to get free access to over 15,000 Video Bible Lessons that will help you grow in your faith and knowledge of God’s Word. This powerful resource is perfect for small groups, family or personal devotions, leadership development, and much more. Set up your free account today!